

We recognize that we share compensation opportunities for our faculty and staff. Our commitment to these opportunities and our understanding of their impact, once addressed, is stated in our Strategic plan for 2020 (Goal 1, Strategy 1; Goal 7, Strategy 1.) While striving to offer competitive wages that reflect the cost of living in our immediate area, we also recognize the need to dissolve separations between Faculty and Staff populations (including gender pay disparities), the need to improve and maintain morale among our constituencies, and the need to explore possible modifications to our performance evaluation processes in order to make them meaningful. We acknowledge that there are significant limitations and barriers to this process and we rise to the challenge with courage to explore new avenues of success (including but not limited to the idea of institutional compensation autonomy) while maintaining transparent communication throughout all interested groups.

Recommended Actions

  • Align compensation with strategic vision of the institution
  • Many issues are related to communication.
  • Lobby for cost of living raises for F’burg or for institutional autonomy from the state.
  • Communicate plans / goals to constituents
  • Key areas must be addressed:
    • Compression
    • Gender disparities
    • Perceived caste system between faculty and staff.
    • Performance Appraisal system must be revamped or directly tied to compensation
    • Review benefits other than compensation.
    • Review data and recent salary studies to provide context and comparative salaries.
  • Tie performance planning and compensation together.
  • Look at available resources: Compensation Estimator, previously held salary studies, etc.