
University faculty and staff who contract with performers or performance-related professionals must follow certain guidelines to ensure compliance with state and University procurement procedures. Students may not obligate University funds and, therefore, may not sign contracts that will be paid using University funds either directly or through reimbursement. If you have any questions about the guidelines below, please contact the Procurement Services Department for assistance.


Artists/Performers/Entertainment: Artists (when creating and providing original works), speakers, lecturers, musicians, performing artists, designers (e.g. set designers, musical design/composition, sound design artists), choreographers, and videographers. Graphic design (print) must go through Design Services. UMW employees require advance approval and routing through Payroll’s “Special Pay” process. Individuals who fall within this category are pre-approved independent contracts via ICQ#001.

Performer/Entertainment Contract: An official UMW contract and the preferred form of agreement for the performance of personal services of talent. This contract has been approved by the Virginia Attorney General’s Office and may not be modified. A University Performer/Entertainment Contract may be signed by any Faculty or Staff member with Delegated Purchasing Authority up to the $10,000 single quote limit (if contract value is $10,000 or less) or alternate limits as defined in the University’s Signature Card.

Vendor’s Performance Contract: A contract furnished by the vendor being contracted to perform a service. Vendor’s Performance Contracts should only be used when the vendor declines to sign the University Performer’s Contract and must be accompanied by a copy of the University Addendum. Regardless of dollar value, Vendor’s Performance Contracts and the University Addendum may be signed only by the Director of Procurement Services. Vendor’s Contracts should be sent to the Procurement Services for review prior to being signed by the vendor.

Invoice for Direct Pay Request: an Accounts Payable form used when requesting payment for honoraria, non-employee cash awards (including cash awards to students), university refunds, or direct pay requests that are split-coded to FOAPALs outside your security. Direct Pay policies and procedures may be found on the Accounts Payable website.

Vendor Registration Application: an Accounts Payable form that must be completed by all first-time vendors before payment can be processed.

Entertainment Tables

Click here for Entertainment Tables and follow the procedures outlined within for proper procurement and payment of vendors.

*Only enter Direct Pays if vendor does not accept the Purchasing Card.
**Payment for employee speakers should be processed through the Payroll Office using a Special Pay form.