Assorted Notes Beverage Supply Chain Shortages Pepsi is experiencing ongoing challenges in their business operations due to labor and material shortages. As a result of these supply chain issues, there may be shortages or delays in products at the Bookstore, vending machines, and the dining hall. Your patience is appreciated. ATM Move The BB&T ATM, now operated by Truist, has been relocated from the third floor of Lee Hall to the second floor of the University Center. It is located by the dining kiosk adjacent to Panera. Office Supply Purchases The University’s exclusive office supply contractor, The Supply Room (TSRC), must be used for all office supply orders. TSRC maintains a convenient punch-out catalog within eVA and ships next day for most traditional supply items if the order is placed before 4PM. If there are needs that absolutely cannot wait for a next day delivery, the University bookstore should be the secondary contract resource prior to making a purchase from an … [Read more...]