Audience: SU, AF, CE, CN Topic: Changes to MyTime Approval Deadlines for Classified and Administrative Faculty Employees Effective with the 8/10/20-8/24/20 pay period, MyTime timecard approvals for fulltime employees and their supervisors will change from a two-day review/approval period to a one-day review/approval period. The State’s upcoming implementation of new payroll and human resources software necessitate changes to our MyTime approval deadlines. Approval deadlines for administrative faculty and classified employees will be earlier. Effective 8/24/20, administrative faculty and classified employees must approve their own timecards by NOON the day after the pay period ends. Supervisors of these employees must approve their employees’ timecards by 5pm the day after the pay period ends. The pay periods end the 9th and the 24th of each month. If the day after the pay period end falls on a weekend or holiday, the employee’s approval is due noon on the next business day and … [Read more...]
Changes to MyTime Approval Deadlines for Classified and Administrative Faculty Employees
Annual Overtime Leave Election
Audience: CN, SU Topic: Annual Overtime Leave Election Period The last day for the 2019 Annual Overtime Leave Election Period is Wednesday, June 26th. The Annual Overtime Leave Election period allows Classified Non-Exempt employees to choose if they want to receive overtime leave or overtime pay if they physically work over 40 hours in a 40 hour work week. If you are a Non-Exempt employee, and you are interested in changing your overtime election, please contact your supervisor. Supervisors have the ability to view your current overtime leave status and key your selection into Banner SSB. Any changes made to your leave selection will go into effect on July 10, 2019. If you have any questions about Overtime Leave Election, please contact Payroll. If you have general MyTime questions, please contact the Help Desk at (540) 654-2255 or _____________________________________________________ Reference Materials: Annual Overtime Leave Election … [Read more...]