Procurement Forum Slideshow

Attached here is our Procurement Services Open Forum Presentation for all of those who were not able to attend our event, or for those who did attend and want to revisit our slideshow. Thank you to everyone that made our 2nd annual Procurement Forum a success. … [Read more...]

 Free Lance-Star Ads

There is a new payment process for advertisement with the Free Lance-Star, effective April 1. The may be paid with SPCC or Finance cards. Visit the Accounts Payable website for more details.   … [Read more...]

Annual SPCC/GOLD Cardholder & Approver Training

The training is available in UMW Global and needs to be completed by April 1, 2016. The annual SPCC/GOLD training is required for all Cardholders and Approvers: SPCC Training Step-by-Step Guide. To access the training in UMW Global: 1. Go to 2. Enter "UMW SPCC" in the search field at the top right hand of the homepage 3. Select "UMW SPCC Training - 2016" and enroll for credit • ** ‘Access Item’ or ‘Open New Attempt’ ** • Select the training in the upper left of the new window/tab • Complete the training 4. The quiz is located at the end of the training in the same window Questions? Contact Monique SanPietro at (540) 654-1057. … [Read more...]

Register Your Card PIN

The new SPCC/Gold cards are now Chip & PIN enabled. The card is issued with a 4-digit PIN, which is mailed directly to each cardholder, and may be necessary to complete a transaction with chip-enabled merchants. Once you have received the new card, complete the one-time registration in order to access your PIN at any time: PINCheck Registration. … [Read more...]

Card Fraud

It's that time of the year! Just a reminder that the Bank of America, the SPCC card provider, will not communicate via email. Do not click on any links or provide any account information.  Any fraud alerts will be communicated via a phone call to cardholders. … [Read more...]

Bank of America Phishing Email

If you receive an email from ‘’, please do not open the attachment - disregard and delete. This is a phishing email that is not from Bank of America. As a reminder – Bank of America will never ask you to reply with information or download any attachments to verify your account. Official notifications will be from ‘’. If you suspect fraudulent activity on your account, contact Bank of America immediately at (866) 500-8262. … [Read more...]

SPCC Clean Sweeps

UMW has achieved 100% timely completion of SPCC reconciliations since April! Thank you everyone! … [Read more...]

SPCC Works Reports

As a follow-up to information provided at the April B.U.G. meeting, examples from WORKS Dashboard are provided below. SPCC Cardholders can access spend charts by vendor, category and org – Examples follow (although the quality of these images is poor, it provides a preview of what is available through WORKS with improved clarity) Custom reports can be run, based on date range and/or a  specific vendor, and are exportable to Excel.  You can select date range, Merchant Class Code (MCC) and Vendor name. If you need help using or understanding Dashboard reporting abilities, please contact Monique SanPietro, your Program Administrator for the SPCC, or Melva Kishpaugh.  There are also user guides available in Works at the bottom of the screen. … [Read more...]

Increased Fraud Monitoring

Bank of America is strengthening fraud controls, and will be asking SPCC Cardholders to monitor spend activity more frequently.  Cardholders may see a greater frequency of emails from the BoA Fraud Team requesting feedback on purchase activity. The emails will instruct the cardholder to contact the bank, they will not request sensitive customer information. If you suspect unauthorized activity, please report it immediately to Bank of America’s Fraud Team at 866-500-8262. … [Read more...]

Clean April Sweep

Thank you cardholders and approvers for signing off on all transactions by the April deadline. No cardholders were swept. KUDOS! … [Read more...]