Supplier Diversity Program

The University of Mary Washington (UMW) is committed to ensuring fair consideration of all suppliers in its day-to-day procurement of services, supplies, and construction.

All employees with purchasing responsibility or who are involved in procurement decisions for goods and services are expected to give preference to Micro Vendors in accordance with Executive Order (EO) 35.  If a Micro Vendor is not a viable option, then other SWaM vendors should be sourced (Small, Women-Owned, Minority-Owned, Service Disabled Veteran).  If no SWaM business is available, employees are instructed to move forward with sourcing from other non-certified or majority firms, some of which are required to submit Subcontracting Plans to substantiate their commitment to SWaM subcontracting.  Purchasing must be done in a manner consistent with University, state, and federal laws and regulations.

Designated Supplier Diversity Certification

In order for a supplier to be recognized as a Micro or SWaM Vendor in the Commonwealth of Virginia for procurement practices and to be counted towards UMW’s goals in reporting, they must be certified with the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD).  For more information on the different certification types visit the SWaM Certification Division page on the SBSD website. Here you can find parameters for each certification type and instructions on how to get your business appropriately certified.

The Virginia Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity (VDSBSD) supports and promotes economic development in the Commonwealth of Virginia by enhancing growth opportunities for Virginia’s small businesses to prosper through increased revenue and job creation thereby raising the standard of living for all Virginians. The VDSBSD also contains the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority (VSBFA), which is The Commonwealth’s business financing arm.  Its loan officers work with commercial banks to help them provide loans to small businesses; to provide direct loans and credit enhancements; and to administer a grant program which provides grants to individual investors who are investing in small businesses.  For more information, visit

SWaM Champion

Each state agency is encouraged to designate an individual to serve as that agency’s SWaM Champion. UMW’s SWaM Champion is Patricia A. Canciglia, a Senior Contract Officer within Procurement Services.  She can be reached via email at   The SWaM Champion’s responsibilities include assisting potential vendors in navigating SWaM certification and conducting business within the Commonwealth of  Virginia.  There is an annual event (SWaMFEST) held during the month of November which provides both networking opportunities and training for vendors.  Visit for details on past and upcoming events.

SWaM Plan and Goals

A SWaM Plan is prepared by UMW each year for review and approval by SBSD.
UMW FY25 SWaM Plan

UMW has a current goal to spend 42% of its discretionary funds with SWaM designated vendors. UMW’s discretionary spend for FY 2024 was $28,164,523.57.


The UMW Small Business Development Center (UMW SBDC) offers Vendor Development and Outreach Training Programs to assist new and existing businesses and can assist businesses in registering in eVA and applying for SWaM certification. Their services are free and confidential. To request assistance, please fill out the form here: