MyTime Training Registration


Phase 2 training is now closed.

Please see TESS Training Calendar for additional MyTime Training.

Before you Register
Classified individuals must know their Fair Labor Standard Act classification (FLSA) of  Exempt or Non Exempt.  FLSA classifications are identified on the first page of the Employee Work Profile (EWP) within box 10 for classified employees.  All Administrative Faculty are exempt.  Contact the Human Resources Office if you need assistance.

Supervisors will register for classes as an employee (Classified Exempt, Classified Non Exempt or Admin) and as a Supervisor.   You may find it helpful to register for the employee functionality class first.  Teaching faculty who supervise will register for the Supervisor course.

All  employees must know their UMW Login and Password to participate in the Hands On training.

Class Structure
MyTime functionality differs for individuals based on their FLSA status and supervisory duties.  Employees are to register by Employee Classification.  For those who supervise, additional hands on computer based instruction is required

Observe and Learn Classes
Observe and Learn are MyTime employee functionality demonstrations without computer assistance for the trainee.  Employees may elect this observational session in lieu of classes offering hands on computer training.  MyTime supervisor functionality is not demonstrated during these sessions.

Hands On Classes
During the Hands On classes, employees will log into MyTime to practice navigation, leave requests and tracking, and Timecard approvals.

An additional Hands On class is specifically geared toward supervisors and is required.

How to Complete the Registration Form
Type in your name, department, email and phone
Select your employee classification
Appropriate training class selection will be available based on your classification selection
If you are NOT a supervisor, select No, then select Register.

If You Are a Supervisor
Select Yes to the question “I am a Supervisor” and register
yourself for the mandatory Supervisor Hands On training.

Training Registration Form

Training Has Closed – Please see TESS Training Calendar for additional MyTime Training.