Instructional Materials

Cardinal Human Capital Management (Cardinal HCM) is the Commonwealth’s system for human resources, health benefits, time and attendance, and payroll processing.   UMW is an interfacing agency, meaning UMW uses Banner and MyTime as the systems of record and sends files from those systems to Cardinal HCM.  UMW employees, with the exception of teaching faculty, will continue to use MyTime for keying hours worked, requesting leave and approving timecards.

UMW Employees are considered Cardinal HCM Employee Self Service (ESS) users and will use ESS to:

  • Key their health care open enrollment selections and changes
  • Update their direct deposit for their pay
  • View their earnings notices and W2 forms
  • View and/or update personal information

UMW employees must first register and activate their account in Cardinal HCM ESS and establish multi-factor authentication.  Registration and activation procedures are in the Cardinal System Access Guide.
 Note that UMW is a Non-COV Agency.

Cardinal link:

The following additonal  job aids provide information and instructions for the use of Cardinal HCM Employee Self Service (ESS).

ESS Job Aids – Cardinal HCM Employee Self Service (ESS)