Training Information & Instructional Materials
MyTime Training Opportunities
To register for MyTime training, or for more information, contact Training will be remote and based on employee availability.
For information on additional financial system training, please visit the TESS Training Calendar.
Fair Labor Standards Act Training
Prior to MyTime Training for Supervisors, Supervisors are required to complete the Overtime Compensation Requirements Assessment module of the MVP HR Policy & Law – Fair Labor Standards Act. Training is administered by Human Resources and is available online within the UMW Learning Center.
FLSA Overtime Compensation Requirement Assessment:
- Required for Supervisors
- Strongly Encouraged for Non-Exempt Employees
- Encouraged for Classified, Wage, AP Faculty Employees.
Specific instructions for completing the UMW Learning Center Fair Labor Standards Act Training are outlined by Human Resources’ Training: Fair Labor Standards Act website.
If you encounter difficulty accessing this training or logging in to the UMW Learning Center, please contact Pam Lowery (
Payroll Calendars
Employee pay calendars also reflect MyTime Timecard approval deadlines.
Payroll Calendars
Payroll Forms
Payroll Forms
MyTime and Payroll Forms are located on the Payroll Forms website.
MyTime Rounding
All punches and MyTime calculations are rounded to the quarter of an hour.
Leave Categories
Automatically Granted Leave Categories
Several leave categories are automatically granted to employees at the
beginning of the accrual period, accrue per pay period, or have a 0.0 Available Accrual Balance. Leave use is requested by the employee by submitting a Request for Time Off in MyTime.
Note: Community Service Leave: Do not submit a MyTime Supervisor Request form for this leave category. The Employee submits the Request for Time Off in MyTime and supporting documentation is retained by the Supervisor.
Other Leave Categories
Certain leave categories require supporting documentation and must be granted to employees prior to RTO being submitted in MyTime. To grant leave in these categories, which are listed below, Supervisors must submit a MyTime Supervisor Request Form and provide supporting documentation to the appropriate department.
Once the MyTime Supervisor Request form has been submitted, some Leave Categories require an Accrual Available Balance to be granted prior to the Request for Time Off. Other categories do not require a balance to be granted prior to an RTO.
Categories that require an Available Accrual Balance before use: Categories that do not require an Available Accrual Balance before use: Bone Marrow Jury Civil Work Related Disaster Leave Military Leave Education Leave (ETA) Fire/EMS Community Service Infant Care-Admin Faculty non VSDP ONLY Medical Childbirth-Admin Faculty non VSDP ONLY
Mobile App
MyTime Mobile App
The UKG Workforce Central App is an optional feature available for user convenience and limited MyTime functions. You can download the app from your favorite app store or directly from your MyTime dashboard. More information can be found in our video library HERE.
Quick Guides & Videos
Instructional materials for all employee classifications, supervisors and student employees can be found in the MyTime Quick Guides & Video Library.