Chart of Accounts – FOAPAL

The Chart of Accounts (COA) is a structure of codes used for the classification, budgeting, recording and reporting of financial transactions.

The chart code structure is classified by the following elements, which are commonly abbreviated by the term “FOAPAL” or “FOAP”:

Fund          Organization          Account          Program          Activity          Location

Each department on campus has ownership, or security rights, to view and enter specific FOAPAL elements in Finance systems dependent upon job function and reporting hierarchy. Users indicate which functions of Banner Finance they require when they complete the University of Mary Washington Administrative Data User Account Request Form. Form assistance is provided in the Fundamentals of Finance class or by calling Training and Systems Support at 654-1155 or 654-5973. Accounting or The Office of Budget and Financial Analysis can assist with FOAPAL elements assigned to you and your department and can assist with proper expenditure and revenue coding. To request a new FOAPAL element or to change/inactivate an existing FOAPAL element complete the Banner FOAPAL Request form.


FOAPAL Elements

The FOAPAL elements that make up the University’s Chart of Accounts are defined below. Transactions require a combination of Fund, Organization, Account, and Program to correctly expense (buy something) or deposit money (via a Cashier Transmittal form). Some departments also Activity and Location elements in addition to the FOAP. Activity and Location codes further define the type of expense or revenue and may or may not be used within your department.

FOAPAL descriptions and examples are listed below, in order of Fund, Organization, Account, and Program; as required  on all  financial transactions.  A complete FOAP string looks something like this: 1111-209876-71268-10640.



An alpha-numeric code that identifies the funding source. Funding sources describe where the money to run the program or department originated. Broadly speaking, a Fund can be categorized as state, non-state or agency.

The University of Mary Washington (UMW) operates using Commonwealth of Virginia (state) funds as well as Non-Commonwealth (non-state/agency) funds.

The Fund Type and Card Use document provides further information on the appropriate charge card to use with specific funding sources.  See the AP website for a information on available charge cards and fund use.

State Funds – Funds provided to the University by the Virginia General Assembly through the budget process and funds provided to the University through student tuition and fee revenue. These funds are subject to the Department of Accounts (DOA) policies governing the use of state funds.

Payments for allowed expenditures from State Funds are generally made using the Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC).

11xx 1557 *3511
1552 *2xxxx
1556M 3111
1552AS 1557AS 9xxxx

*Funds can be classified as State, Federal or Local – Refer to the Fund Type and Card Use document.

Non-State Funds Local and Agency funds are deposited and disbursed through UMW’s local bank account(s) and are not subject to DOA’s state fund policies. The funds are subject to audit by the Auditor of Public Accounts.

Agency Funds begin with an “8” and are a special type of non-state fund.  Monies are held in a custodial and/or fiduciary capacity for students, faculty, staff, and organizations.   Funding comes from money raised through camp dues, membership fees, team fund raising efforts, etc.  The responsibility for the management and investment of these funds resides with UMW.

Payments for expenditures from these funds are made using the UMW Finance card. When procuring from a contracted vendor, orders using non-state funds or orders shared between state and non-state funds must be placed in eVA and a UMW Finance card must be used.

15xx – unless otherwise indicated above indicated as State
8xxx – Agency Funds

*2 Funds can be classified as State, Non-State or Federal – Refer to the Fund Type and Card Use document.

Exceptions to Payment Method:

  • Payment for any business meal can be made using the UMW Finance Card, regardless of Fund source. See the Business Meal Form for more information.
  • Payment for transactions that are split coded between State and Non-State Funds must use the UMW Finance Card.

Non-State and Agency funds are deposited and disbursed through UMW’s local bank account(s) and are not subject to Department of Account’s state fund policies. The funds are subject to audit by the Auditor of Public Accounts.

Funds Specific to Faculty


College of Education – Faculty Funding Distribution Chart
College of Arts and Sciences – Faculty Funding Distribution Chart
College of Business – Faculty Funding Distribution Chart

  • 1111  Department Funds
    • Each year, departments and most full-time faculty members receive funding allocated to their specific organization under Fund 1111.
      • The program code for department operating expenses is allocated in 10110.
      • The program code for the Faculty $500 (professional development use only) is allocated in the individual faculty member’s org with program code 10460.
  • 1552AS  College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Grants 
  • 1552B College of Business Faculty Development Grants 
  • 1552E  College of Education Faculty Development Grants 
    • Additional professional development funding provided by Dean/Assoc Dean/Committee by request or application and distributed to individual faculty orgs with program code 10460.
  • 1553AS  College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Research Grants
  • 1553E  College of Education Faculty Research Grants
    • Funding provided by Dean/Assoc Dean/Committee by request or application and distributed to individual faculty orgs with program code 10220. If the faculty member is an adjunct with no individual org, then the department org will be used with program code 10220. 
  • 1557AS College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Grants
  • 1557E College of Education Undergraduate Research Grants
    • Funding provided by Dean/Assoc Dean/Committee by request or application and distributed to individual faculty sponsor orgs with program code 10220. If the faculty member is an adjunct with no individual org, then the department org will be used with program code 10220.
  • 2xxx Funds (usually external Grants)
    • Grant types vary (Federal, State, Non-State, and Private) and are usually sought by faculty members to fund a specific research activity or project. The money is provided for a specific use and time period. Grant money is placed within the faculty member’s personal Organization code.
    • Generally, the Program code: 11004 is used with 2xxx Grant Funds.   Occasionally Grant Funds use Program codes beginning with a 102xx. Grants can be identified as either State (SPCC) or Non-State (UMW Finance Card).  Please contact Accounts Payable regarding appropriate card use.



Also referred to as an Org, A six character code that identifies a unit of budgetary responsibility and/or department within the University. All faculty have an Org code to track specific grant assignments. A faculty member can have several Funding sources and several Program codes, but will only have one Organization code.

Examples of Organization codes:

  • Biology = 204101
  • Chemistry = 204201
  • Mark Smith – 303301



A five or six digit character code that identifies the purpose of the expenditure or revenue transaction. Transactions are postings shown on budget reports. Posting examples are the amount of budget allocated to each department for the Fiscal year, type of good or service the department purchased, the journal entry used to correct expenditure codes and the type of payroll cost deducted each pay period.
Looking for a list of account codes? The Account Hierarchy Report can be found here.

Account Code Categories:

  • 5xxxx – Revenue Accounts
    • Examples: Student Dues, Fundraising Money
  • 6xxxx – Personnel Accounts
    • Example: Payroll, FICA, Heath Insurance
  • 7xxxx – Expense Accounts
    • 71xxx – Operational Expenses
      • Example: Postal Services, Printing, Telephone Charges
    • 72xxx – Equipment Purchases
      • Example: Mobile Computers under $5K
    • 72xxxF – Mobile Computers $2K and greater (Fixed Asset)
    • 72xxxA – Mobile Computer Aggregate $5K and over (Fixed Asset)



A five character code that identifies the function or purpose of the Organization or function on campus.

Examples of Program codes:

  • General Academic Instruction = 10110
  • Research = 10220
  • Academic Museums and Galleries – 10420



An optional four to six character code that can be used to capture total cost of an activity across the entire University or further define an Organization code expenditure.

Examples of Activity codes:

  • LTBULB = Light Bulb Trade In Project
  • XWALK = Crosswalk Modifications
  • PROJ – Project Course



An optional six character code used to identify a physical location. University internal offices use Location codes for Fixed Asset and specific expenditure tracking.