Listed below are three credit card options for making purchases. Funding source (state or non-state Banner FOAP) and type of expense (travel, non-travel, food, goods, services, etc.) determine which card is appropriate to use.
After determining the funding source and type of expense, read the descriptions for each of the three cards listed below and follow instructions and links to ensure compliance. NOTE: Information on the TESS website will help to determine whether the funding source is a state fund or a non-state fund.
Specific to TRAVEL-related expenses, including conference registration fees, use the Helpful Hints Travel Table to determine which one of these cards is the best choice for your situation and funding source.
Specific to NON-TRAVEL-related expenses, Procurement Services regulations apply for ALL state-funded and MOST non-state-funded purchases. EXCEPTION: FUND 8xxx
NOTE: Personal cards should be used only if there are no other possible purchasing methods at UMW for your particular situation. (If personal funds are used, follow reimbursement instructions at the Reimbursement web site.)
The SPCC is administered by the Procurement Services department and issued by the University to individuals who have completed a request form and appropriate training. The SPCC is allowed to be used for state-funded (exception: FUND 1117) services/items EXCEPT those services/items that are listed under the heading The SPCC may not be used for the following found below. (Information on the TESS website will help determine whether the funding source is a state fund or a non-state fund.)
NOTE: If the SPCC is used to pay for travel expenses AND the travel involves day-only travel exceeding $500 or an overnight stay, a PDF copy of the Travel Pre-Approval in Emburse Enterprise must be attached to the SPCC purchase/receipt.
The SPCC may be used to pay for the following state-funded travel services/items:
- Conference Fees
- Public Transportation Fares (airline tickets, shuttle services, rail tickets – including metro services, bus tickets)
- Membership Dues
- Subscriptions
The SPCC may not be used to pay for the following:
- Hotel Expenses (regardless of funding source)
- Car Rentals (regardless of funding source)
- Meal Expenses (See the heading How to Pay for Food/Meals at Business Meals for details regarding card  payment options.)
- Any expense using FUND 1117
- Any non-state fund expense [expense charged to FUND 152x; FUND 1556; FUND 3556; or any FUND that starts with an “8” (8xxx)].
USE THE UMW FINANCE CARD to pay for goods/services that are charged to non-state funds. Information on the TESS website will help determine whether the funding source is a state fund or a non-state fund.Although charges may go through, the State has deemed these non-allowable expenditures on the SPCC. If the SPCC is used to pay for an item/service that is not allowed on the SPCC, see What do I do if I charged an “unallowable” expense to my Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC)? that is found on the FAQ page.
Information on the TESS website will help determine whether the funding source is a state fund or a non-state fund.
The UMW Finance Card is administered by the Finance department, is used to pay for items that are NOT allowed on the SPCC, is paid directly by UMW, and may be used to pay for the following:
- Business Meals (regardless of funding source)
- Travel-related expenses when traveling with students (regardless of funding source)
- NON-STATE funded goods/services
– See UMW Finance Card for details.
– See TESS website to determine whether the funding source is state or non-state. - Other expenses as defined on the UMW Finance Card site
The Travel Card is administered directly by Bank of America, and the CARDHOLDER pays Bank of America directly. The Commonwealth offers this option in order to eliminate cash advances and solve the problem of employees not having a personal card available for business travel expenses. The Travel Card is essentially a personal charge card:
- You apply for the card based on your personal credit history;
- The bill is sent to your home address;
- You are personally responsible for paying the bill on time; and
- Failure to pay based on Bank of America’s terms may negatively affect your personal credit.
NOTE: Â UMW will withhold from your Payroll past due amounts.