Student Activities and Engagement

Student Activities and Engagement (SAE) has numerous funding sources and is responsible for using the correct purchasing mechanism based upon the funding source being used. This site will provide guidance to the SAE Office based upon funding sources.

Non-Club FOAP for SAE

When a NON Club FOAP is used to pay for expenses in SAE, the standard Commonwealth regulations (Travel, Procurement, SPCC, Reimbursement, etc.) apply. Expenses for NON Club FOAPs will use the regular UMW forms and procedures found within the main Accounts Payable web site.

Regarding Reimbursements:  Use Emburse Enterprise. (Any non-student UMW employee can make an entry in Emburse Enterprise.) All reimbursement requests must have the required documentation found at

Club FOAPs

CLUB FOAPs fall into a different category than NON club FOAPs. UMW has an exception from the Department of Accounts (DOA) to allow a UMW Finance Card to be used to purchase items/services that are funded with CLUB FOAPs. The exception from DOA is very specific. Read UMW Finance Card for SAE for details regarding the allowed use of the Card.

Based upon a request by SAE and an agreement with Accounts Payable, Club FOAPs will use their OWN form for Reimbursements, Purchase Requisitions, Honorarium, Direct Pays. See the SAE web site or contact SAE at ext 1061 for this form.  This form requires the signature of two club authorized signers and an SAE signature of the Director of SAE or the Assistant Director of SAE or the SAE Office Manager. Regarding Reimbursements:  Use Emburse Enterprise. (Any non-student UMW employee can make an entry in Emburse Enterprise.) All reimbursement requests must have the required documentation found at

NOTE:  Hotel bills MUST have a PDF of the Travel Pre-Approval in Emburse Enterprise.

Club and Non-Club General Information for SAE

Direct Pays (NON Purchase Orders) need the following information in the following Banner fields:

Due Date = In order to NOT get “hit” with late pays, AP needs the due date to be a Wednesday which allows enough time for the paperwork to get to the AP department and get processed by AP.  Questions? Ask Accounts Payable (ext 1224).  See for details regarding required due dates for certain types of Direct Pays.

Description Field = Include the word “Reimbursement” in this field and do NOT use any characters

Invoice Number Field = Do NOT use any characters in this field.  Use the date of the receipt(s).  If there are multiple receipts, use the date of the first receipt OR use the date range of the receipts.  For example, if there are five receipts with dates ranging from October 4, 2025 to October 30, 2025, the invoice date field would look like this:  100425THR103025