Business Meal and Food Form Guidance

Open one of the FOUR tabs below that best describes your food purchase venue to assist with proper purchase documentation and Card use. In addition to the information below, read ALL Business Meal and Food Regulations.

  1. On Campus Food Providers (tab is already open)
  2. Off Campus Grocery Store
  3. Off Campus Restaurant
  4. Off Campus Caterer

Sodexo is UMW’s exclusive food service provider. An approved Request for Food and Catering Waiver Form must be obtained PRIOR TO making a food purchase for ON-CAMPUS events from an establishment other than Sodexo. Exemptions to this requirement are found here and follow these detailed instructions:

    • Click “view” on the Dining Service Operations line item for contract Number UCPUMW 23-1457.  Then, scroll down to the Attachments/Files and select the document Dining Service Operations Sodexo – UCPUMW 23-1457.pdf,  pages 1 – 2, Section 1.2, under the heading “Exclusivity Exclusions.”

1. On Campus Food Providers


  • If the meal is eaten at or taken away from The Top of the CRUC (Cedric Rucker University Center – Dining Hall), give the completed Business Meal and Food Approval Form to the Cashier. The Food Service provider will bill UMW, and Accounts Payable will pay the Food Service Provider directly using the FOAP(s) provided on the Business Meal and Food Approval Form.
  • If a meal is eaten at or taken away from any on-campus venue OTHER THAN The Top of the CRUC Dining Hall, use the UMW Finance Card. For procedures, see Securing a UMW Finance Card for Business Meal/Food Payment at Business Meals.

Required Documentation for UMW Finance Card:

  1. Completed, signed, and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
  2. A detailed, itemized receipt


CATERED MEALS (both on and off campus)

  • If the meal is being catered by Sodexo, place the order (see top section at Business Meals).

Required Documentation:

    1. The completed, signed, and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
    2. The Sodexo Catering Contract with Order Number
    3. The Invoice (DATE STAMP the invoice when you receive it!)
    4. Within 10 days after the meal/event, email to ALL of the above documents TOGETHER in the SAME email.

The food service provider will bill UMW, and Accounts Payable will pay the Food Service Provider directly using the FOAP (s) provided on the Business Meal and Food Approval Form.

      • If the meal is being catered by an ON-CAMPUS food service provider OTHER THAN Sodexo, use the UMW Finance Card to pay. For procedures, see Securing a UMW Finance Card for Business Meal/Food Payment at Business Meals.

Required Documentation:

      1. The completed, signed, and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
      2. The detailed, itemized receipt

2. Off Campus Grocery Store

If using ONLY STATE funds, use the SPCC. (Note: Contact Procurement Services if card restriction needs to be lifted.)
If using LOCAL (non-state) funds OR if using a combination of state AND local funds, use the UMW Finance Card. See Securing a UMW Finance Card for Business Meal/Food Payment at Business Meals for procedures to use the UMW Finance Card. NOTE: Information on the TESS website will help to determine whether the funding source is a state fund or a non-state fund.

Take the Sales Tax Exempt Form with you!

Required Documentation:

      1. The completed, signed and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
      2. The Request for Food and Catering Waiver Form IF the purchase is over $100.00 AND the event will be ON campus
        NOTE: Copy of the Request for Food and Catering Waiver Form must be with SPCC or UMW Finance Card documentation.
      3. The detailed, itemized receipt

Contact Procurement Services for all Procurement Regulations that may apply to this purchase.

3. Off Campus Restaurant

Use the UMW Finance Card. See Securing a UMW Finance Card for Business Meal/Food Payment at Business Meals for procedures to use the UMW Finance Card.

Food at an Off Campus Restaurant
Example: When an employee takes a job candidate to an off campus restaurant

Required Documentation:

    1. The completed, signed and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
    2. The detailed, itemized receipt

Food brought ON campus from OFF CAMPUS Restaurant

Required Documentation:

      1. The completed, signed and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
      2. The Request for Food and Catering Waiver Form IF the purchase is over $100.00 AND the event will be ON campus
        NOTE: Copy of the Request for Food and Catering Waiver Form must be with SPCC or UMW Finance Card documentation.
      3. The detailed, itemized receipt


4. Off Campus Caterer

A CATERER is a vendor who provides food AND also provides the service of setting out food and/or serving food. (Simple food delivery is NOT considered CATERED.)

      • If having a catered event ON CAMPUS or OFF CAMPUS using an OFF CAMPUS vendor, use the UMW Finance Card and see Required Documentation below. See Securing a UMW Finance Card for Business Meal/Food Payment at Business Meals for procedures to use the UMW Finance Card.

Required Documentation:

      1. The completed, signed and dated Business Meal and Food Approval Form
      2. The Request for Food and Catering Waiver Form IF the purchase is over $100.00 AND the event will be ON campus
        UMW-recognized Student Clubs and Organizations are exempt from the Food Services / Dining Contract’s exclusivity; therefore, the Waiver form is NOT required for these groups.
        NOTE: If an appropriately waived caterer other than the University’s exclusive contracted Food Services Provider (currently Sodexo) is used, then standard procurement regulations apply, including eVA entry and micro business use or quote justification. Contact Procurement Services for all Procurement Regulations.
      3. The detailed, itemized receipt
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