When traveling with one or more students within the realm of your official UMW duties, a UMW EMPLOYEE* may “check out” a UMW Finance Card from the Cashier to pay for TRAVEL-RELATED expenses (for the student expenses AND the employee expenses), BUT ALL STATE REGULATIONS AND LIMITS APPLY. The employee is held responsible for ALL charges made against the Card during the time the employee has the Card checked out.
The following will occur if you choose to check out a UMW Finance Card:
- Complete a Travel Pre-Approval in Emburse Enterprise.
- NOTE #1:Â In Emburse Enterprise, use of “Multiple” as Traveler Type is allowed if group travel; names of travelers can be entered.
- NOTE #2: Usually, day-only travel does not require a pre-approval; however, when wanting to use a UMW Finance Card, Pre-Approval documentation is needed in order to document to the Cashier and auditors that the expense is allowed.
- Email payables@umw.edu, attach the PDF of the FULLY APPROVED Travel Pre-Approval, and indicate the date you wish to check out the UMW Finance Card.
- Accounts Payable (AP) will review the request and will provide an email response. If approved for use, AP will include the Cashier’s Office on the email response. AP will also advise if any other Finance forms are needed.
- When you are ready to make your approved purchase, take the approved pre-approval(s) (PDF of Travel Pre-Approval in Emburse Enterprise) AND the approval email to the Cashier’s office in Lee Hall. NOTE:  To ensure availability of a Card, contact the Cashier’s office ahead of time to coordinate.
- The Cashier will take your pre-approval(s), have you sign a UMW Finance Card Agreement to use the Card, and will give you a UMW Finance Card to use to pay for the travel-related expenses for you and the student(s).
- When the traveler returns from the trip, the traveler should IMMEDIATELY submit the UMW Finance Card and ALL ORIGINAL, DETAILED, ITEMIZED receipts to the Cashier. NOTE: IF MULTIPLE FUNDING SOURCES ARE BEING USED, YOU MUST LET THE CASHIER KNOW IN DETAIL HOW MUCH TO CHARGE TO EACH FOAP–and remember to think about items that were possibly already charged on the SPCC for some items such as registration, airfare, etc. It is YOUR responsibility to know your funding sources and how much has already been used if there are limits.
- The Cashier will review on-line the swiped charges made on the Card and will require receipts for all transactions on the Card during the time you had the Card checked out. If charged expenses exceed ANY State limits, the Cashier will ask you to deposit the “overage” immediately. If you fail to produce a receipt for a charge on the Card, you will be asked to make a deposit to UMW for the charge. The Cashier will give you a receipt and will attach a copy of the receipt to the paperwork to show the overage was paid by you. Any disputes will be handled with the Accounts Payable Manager or Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller. If you refuse to repay UMW for an inappropriate expense, Accounts Payable will file paperwork to have the money withheld from your paycheck and you will not have the privilege of using this Card again.
- The Cashier will scan receipts involving OVERNIGHT travel to payables@umw.edu for review. (The Cashier will NOT scan regular business meals that do NOT involve overnight travel. Payables needs to review overnight-related travel receipts for lodging to ensure the rates are good, and they need to review any meals that were purchased during overnight travel to eliminate the possibility of the traveler submitting for a meal per diem already provided by UMW on the UMW Finance Card.)
- The Cashier will submit all forms and receipts to the Accounts Payable Office. If Accounts Payable finds any unallowable expenses, Accounts Payable will ask you to deposit money at the Cashier’s Office. Accounts Payable will attach the receipt of your repayment/deposit to the credit card statement as proof of money deposited. If you refuse to deposit the money, Accounts Payable will file paperwork to have the money withheld from your paycheck and you will not have the privilege of using this Card again.
NOTE:Â UMW Finance Card violation consequences are found at Card Violation Consequences.
Employee expenses are allowed on the Card with the students’ expenses. Â Remember these things:
- ONLY room rate and taxes on the room rate are allowed. Â NO incidentals such as Internet, movies, food, etc. are allowed to be charged on the Card.
- Any meals purchased (for students OR employees) using the Card are paid for directly by UMW and therefore, the meal portion of the per diem for the meal that was purchased using the Card CANNOT be claimed for reimbursement and will NOT be paid for reimbursement. Â When meals are purchased on the Card, Business Meal regulations apply.
- If using your personal vehicle, do NOT use the Card to purchase gas; use your personal funds (either your personal credit card or cash). Â You may then submit for reimbursement for the mileage traveled in your personal vehicle. Â The IRS rate per mile is indicated in Emburse Enterprise and on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request form, and that per mile rate includes a gas factor.
- For any student reimbursement (for expenses that are not on the UMW Card or paid directly by UMW in some other way), see details under the Reimbursements information in the grey box at Student Travel.
- Parking expenses can be paid using the Card. Â Document details regarding parking, such as the number of cars, etc.
* An employee is defined as a UMW faculty or staff member. NOTE: Anyone other than an employee–a debate team member or a student who is presenting research, for example–who wishes to use a Card must submit an exception request to the Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller (Julie Smith). The exception request should be emailed and include a copy of the Travel Pre-Approval in Emburse Enterprise. The request will be reviewed, considered and determined by the Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller. Any exceptions that are granted must be in writing. AFTER receiving permission, go to Step #4 above.
Details regarding State Travel Regulations and expense limits can be found in Travel Information.