Business Services eUpdate–Spring 2021

Business Services


Commencement & Summer Hours

The Bookstore will be open May 6-9 the following hours during Commencement ceremonies:

  • Thursday, May 6: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Friday, May 7: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  •  Saturday May 8: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Sunday May 9: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Please keep in mind that the store is still limited to a capacity of 10 customers at a time, 2 persons per party please.

Beginning May 11, the Bookstore will be open during the following hours:

  • Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m
  • Friday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

You can also shop the Bookstore website 24/7 for your course material and UMW spiritwear needs.

Current Promotions

The below items are on sale while supplies last!

  • All UMW laminated folders are on sale for $0.99 (regular price: $2.18)
  • All remaining Squishable Plush are 50% off original price
  • Select Women’s Styles are on CLOSE OUT at 50% off original price

Copy Center

Year-End Deadline

Copy jobs that need to be included in the FY21 budget will need to be completed no later than May 31, 2021. Please note that large jobs may require additional time and advanced coordination with Copy Center staff in order to be processed by the deadline. If you have questions about the timing requirements for your jobs, please contact us at x1935.


Year-End Dining Update

Year-end events, closing dates, and more! View details about year-end dining here.


EagleOne Money Uses for Faculty & Staff

Whether on or off campus, there are still a number of ways for faculty and staff to use their EagleOne money! A few of these options include:

  • Order online through the Bookstore: Items can be shipped to your house or picked up in store. Select “Faculty” at check out (applies to staff as well) to receive any faculty/staff discounts.
  • Off Campus Merchant Partners: our off campus merchants still accept EagleOne! Visit the EagleOne Card website for an up-to-date list of off campus partners.
  • Send personal mail and packages through the UMW Post Office: stamps and other mailing supplies are available for purchase as well.

Summer Hours

Beginning May 11, 2021, the EagleOne Card Center in-person services will be available only by appointment. EagleOne Card Center staff will also be able to assist community members by email and phone. Make an appointment using the web form, or contact staff directly for assistance at or (540) 654-1005.

Parking Management

Commencement Parking

With overlap between Commencement and final exams this year, Parking Management has made some adjustments to ease parking concerns for students coming to campus to take exams. The following lots will be available for student parking during final exams Thursday, May 6 & Friday, May 7, from 7:00 am until 10:00 pm.

  • Thornton Street Lot
  • Pizza Hut lot
  • William Street lot
  • GW lot
  • Framar Lot

During this time and through the weekend the Alvey Parking Deck and Sunken Road lots will be reserved for Commencement parking only.

Other standard parking rules still apply. Students should not park in reserved spaces, accessible spaces without a hang tag, or fire lines. Contact Jean Elliott at (540) 654-1129 if you have any questions.

Summer Hours

Beginning May 11, 2021, Parking Management services will be available in person by appointment only. Assistance will still be provided during regular business hours by phone or email at Appointments can be scheduled by calling (540) 654-1129.

Faculty/Staff Decals

Faculty & staff decals will expire this summer. New decals will be available to order beginning July 1, with distribution beginning August 1. Order your decal through the Parking Management portal for delivery through Campus Mail. You can also place your order over the phone at x1129 and schedule a time to pick up the new decal at the Parking Management office in Lee Hall.

Post Office

Year-End Charges

To be included in the FY21 budget, all mailings have to be processed by close of business May 31, 2021. Please note that bulk mailings may require additional time and advanced coordination with the Post Office staff in order to be processed by the deadline. If you have questions about what constitutes a bulk mailing or the timing of UMW Post Office charges, please contact the Post Office at x1049.

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