Repurposing the eVA Blog!

In the interest of recycling and sustainability (see how I wove our theme from the last BUG meeting into this post? ), we (TESS & Procurement) have decided to reuse and repurpose the "eVA Blog" into BUG Bytes! This tool, which was initially created to notify you, our Buyers and other community members, of eVA implementation and related news, will now be employed to post quick and informative bursts of vital information, tips, and updates necessary to effectively conduct the business of the University. Yes, we will still send Cardholder/Approver information emails. Yes, we will still hold Zoom and in-person Buyer User Group (BUG) meetings on a regular (usually quarterly) basis, and we may give you a quick heads' up here! Yes, we will still use other communication methods as necessary and appropriate for the type of information being communicated to you. Please share the Subscription link with others as you see fit. Please note: you will need to confirm your … [Read more...]

NextGen Update- this will make you happy

If you missed the December in person BUG meeting, you did not have the opportunity to help us create the top-10 pain points of NextGen. Number 1 on the list was your  inabilty to view FOAPAL once your PO was fully approved.  We are happy to report that this is no longer an issue. We are working our way down your list and have more to share with you during our next BUG meeting, February 15th at 2pm via zoom.  The link and agenda is tbd-stay tuned. If you missed the December meeting you also missed out on your gift. Stop by Eagle Village Suite 480 for pick up or contact Leigh Penn for delivery. … [Read more...]

NextGen Updates

We are ending our first week with the new eVA.  Below is where we stand with our connection to suppliers, your converted EP orders, and the continued trainining opportunities available to you. Suppliers: Vendors still establishing connections within eVA Some Suppliers/Catalogs are not fully operable and cannot accept orders. The message “No Valid Login for Supplier Contact” is under review for correction. Suppliers can be directed to eVA Customer Care for assistance. eVA Customer Care will prioritize supplier inquiries over our own. If you are accustomed to receiving supplier’s order confirmations and you are NOT receiving them now, you may choose to contact the supplier directly. Converted EP Orders Converted EP orders now have a corresponding PO number The converted EP number is viewed by: Procurement>Browse Orders, then enter the EP number in the External Code field Continue to receive on the EP number in Banner. If you need a change order on … [Read more...]

eVA NextGen Training Begins Monday, November 7th

Training on NextGen eVA begins on Monday, November 7th via zoom. Visit the NextGen eVA Training and Information page for the November training sessions. All zoom sessions will be recorded. … [Read more...]

NextGen will be available November 7th

NextGen is still undergoing changes this week and is not available for mass campus use.  Unless you have been instructed otherwise, please refrain from requisition entries.   Within the next day or two, we will post instructions for login, pcard entry, reporting and searches you can do to prepare for November 7th. The NextGen training schedule is here: … [Read more...]

October Deadline Dates for NextGen – November 1st, 2022

Go Live for eVA NextGen is confirmed for November 1st, 2022.  To prepare for the eVA changes, below is a list of October deadlines for eVA Buyers, Approvers, and Suppliers: October 1st by 4 PM: No changes to Database users, addresses, Workflows, etc. October 5th- BUG Meeting 1PM via zoom. Link forthcoming October 14th – 8 AM: Suppliers Registration Paused-Suppliers cannot be added to eVA until the migration is completed. October 20th by 4 PM- Buyers: complete all eVA PCO and EP orders, including Change Orders. October 22nd by 4 PM- Approvers: please Approve/Reject all pending Orders. October 23rd by 12:00 PM-Buyers: Rejected order should be corrected and resubmitted.  If unable to re-submit, cancel order and resubmit week of November 7th. October 24th by 4:00 PM- Final eVA Approvals. Buyers: When all orders have been approved, Run the eVA 200 report. You will use this report to ensure your Active orders migrated successfully. Demo and Instructions during BUG … [Read more...]

Guess the Go-Live Winner is…

Debbie Dunivan, Office Manager for the Talley Center. Congratulations to Debbie who guessed August 31, 2022. The next proposed go-live date for NextGen is November 1, 2022.  Below is the message from DGS Director Joe Damico: Good morning, A little over a month ago, I reached out to let you know DGS was delaying the go-live date for our modernized eVA platform. Since then, our team has worked with our contractor, CGI, to determine the appropriate time needed to ensure delivery of a system that meets your needs and continues Virginia’s tradition of excellence in procurement. I’m pleased to announce the new eVA tool and platform will go live on November 1, 2022. Due to the timing, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Public Procurement Forum in November to ensure our team is available to support you throughout the transition. Our team will reach out to those of you who are registered in the coming weeks with detailed information regarding opportunities for … [Read more...]

Guess the Go Live!

The proposed BUG meeting for May 5th is cancelled, we do not yet have a new implementation date for NextGen.   Check out the BUG page to submit you best guess on the expected Go Live date.  One winner will receive $25.00 on their EagleOne card! … [Read more...]

NextGen Go-Live Date Extended – TBD

Our team has been working diligently to launch the new eVA software platform. We know that you, too, have been working hard to prepare for the transition. This is a huge undertaking, and our goal from the beginning was to deliver a modernized, more user-friendly tool with little to no disruption and without losing any of the current functionality our users have come to depend upon over the years. After hearing input from some of our partners about the upcoming May 2 transition, we have decided to push back the go-live date. This will allow extra time to ensure this new platform will meet our expectations and yours. We are working on a new timeline and will communicate that to you soon, but rest assured we will provide at least 30 days’ notice before the go-live date.  All current eVA functionality will continue as normal at this time. Training on the new system will continue, and it is critical your teams participate in the training to help ensure a smooth transition. Thank … [Read more...]

NextGen Readiness for the month of April

NextGen Readiness for the month of April Last check run for EP Orders is Thursday, April 28th with check dates for May 28th- June 1st. Prepare your departments in advance for eVA downtime from April 28th to May 10th. Continue vendor outreach for unregistered suppliers. A Supplier Greeting message is on the procurement website hosting links to assist with the eVA registration process. Review Banner FGIBDST and ensure all open orders are received upon, if necessary, and all invoices are in the hands of Accounts Payable at least 5 days prior to check run. Need help identifying orders?  Contact for budget reporting or regarding contracts and proper closure. Review Works and your pending card payment file.  Contact your PCO vendors for missing invoices or payments that have not yet posted for received goods and services.  Ensure all PCO orders, including confirming, are entered and/or adjusted … [Read more...]