Grand Opening
Barnes & Noble and University of Mary Washington invite you to celebrate the grand opening of the campus bookstore! On October 3, 2019, from 12-2 PM, join us in a variety of activities and chances to win prizes, and welcome bookstore manager Cameisha Chin. There will be:
- A scavenger hunt
- Prize drawings every half hour
- Learning stations for textbook ordering through Faculty Enlight
Ms. Chin can be reached at
Copy Center
Special Orders
Have a job that seems outside the scope of what the Copy Center can offer? Contact us to find out how we can help. The Copy Center partners with local companies for jobs that cannot be done in-house. We also work with them to ensure that customers are getting the lowest prices available.
New Credit Card Readers
Have you noticed the new payment readers on Pepsi beverage vending machines? The machines now accept credit, debit, and mobile payments! The readers do not currently accept EagleOne, but that functionality will soon be restored. Keep an eye out for this decal, which will be placed on machines when all payment options are working.
New Vending Items
Campus vending machines are stocked on a regular basis. Whether its new favorites like Zapp’s Voodo chips, or classics like Fritos, there is something for everyone. Visit the nearest vending machine to see the most recent selection of treats.
Parking Management
Parking Reservation Calendar
Occasionally, certain lots are reserved for special events or visitors. Parking Management maintains a calendar of scheduled lot reservations where five (5) or more spaces have been reserved. Visit the page here.
Please note that even when lots are reserved, accessible parking spaces remain available to any vehicles with DMV-issued accessible placards or license plates. UMW Campus Police are also available to provide an escort if needed; more information is found here.
Contact Parking Management at (540) 654-1129 or at
Post Office
Amazon Couriers
Amazon packages are being delivered to the UMW community via Amazon Couriers. Amazon Couriers are to deliver all student mail (addressed to 1701 College Ave) to the Campus Post Office, and all Faculty and Staff mail (addressed to 1301 College Ave) directly to the addressee on the package. If an Amazon Courier attempts to deliver a package that is addressed to someone outside of your department, please direct them to the Campus Post Office in Woodard Hall for assistance. The Post Office can also be reached at 654-1049 if you need further assistance.
Social Media Changes
Business Services has joined Instagram! Follow us @umw_business_services for the latest announcements in goods and services.
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