Cardinal Project


Cardinal Human Capital Management
Commonwealth of Virginia

Archived Payroll Communication


 University of Mary Washington



Cardinal Human Capital Management (or Cardinal Payroll) is a new, statewide upgrade of the Payroll system.

The Commonwealth of Virginia currently uses CIPPS, an application created in 1986, to run Payroll across the state.  Cardinal Payroll is designed to replace CIPPS and modernize Virginia’s Payroll system.  The system will allow Payroll to maintain employee payroll data and run payroll processes.  Certain Human Resources processes will interface to Cardinal.


Image of Cardinal Go-Live schedule, indicating that it is currently in the test phase with plans for initial release in April of 2018

Cardinal Payroll Go-Live Schedule


Cardinal Payroll is currently in the “testing” phase, with initial go-live in April of 2018.  Final release will be in October of 2018.

The implementation of Cardinal Payroll is part of a larger integration of upgraded systems.  In 2016, Finance, Accounting, and Accounts Payable processes across the state switched from the aging CARS system to the new Cardinal system.

Overall Cardinal Project Resources

Human Capital Management (Cardinal Payroll) Resources