Financial reporting is the responsibility of the Office of Finance.
This site contains links to the University’s audited financial reports. Each report is made up of five different parts.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis summarizes results for the fiscal year at a very high level. It also compares those results to the previous fiscal year. The Statement of Net Position is the equivalent of a balance sheet. It shows the assets and liabilities of the University as of June 30th of the fiscal year. The Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position is an income statement. It shows operating and non-operating revenue and expenses for the year. Each report contains a Statement of Cash Flows. The final part of the report is Footnotes. This section discloses additional information and more detail supporting the information on the statements.
Each year our financials are audited by Virginia’s Auditor of Public Accounts (APA). Links to APA’s Report on Audit can also be found below.
Financial Report
FY23 | FY22 | FY21 | FY20 | FY19 | FY18 | FY17 | FY16 |
Internal Control and Compliance
FY23 | FY22 | FY21 | FY20 | FY19 | FY18 | FY17 | FY16 |
UMW Foundation Report
FY23 | FY22 | FY21 | FY20 |