Surplus Property
The Central Storeroom stocks basic supplies and manages the relocation or sale of the university’s surplus items. While most of your office supply needs can be met through the Supply Room Companies’ (TSRC) online catalog, there of a number of items in the Central Storeroom inventory, such as paper towels, stocked for your convenience. Please contact the Storeroom at x5972 for a complete listing or to answer any of your questions.
Surplus Property Availability
The Central Storeroom surplus inventory currently includes tables, chairs and numerous other items that are in good condition.
Please contact the Central Storeroom at x5972 to request any of these items for your department or to make an appointment to visit the Surplus Showroom.
Note: This is state property and not available for personal use.
When department property is declared surplus, it must be reported to the Agency Surplus Property Officer through the online Surplus and Relocation Form. For any surplus property, other than AV or IT equipment, please complete and submit the form. You will then receive an email containing the information you submitted; please print and attach it to the surplus item. When the Surplus Department has received the completed form, pick-up will be arranged. Only items listed on the Surplus Form will be picked up. Upon request, after property is received and verified by the Surplus Department, the completed Surplus Property and Relocation form will be signed and a copy will be returned to the originating Department for its records.
AV and IT surplus equipment should be reported to the Help Desk at x2255.
Property Relocation
The online Surplus and Relocation Form is also used to record the relocation of a fixed asset property within the university’s financial system. Use of the form is only necessary when the item to be moved from one location to another has an attached UMW Fixed Asset number label. Please note that the completion of the form is intended only for fixed asset tracking. Please complete the section(s) of the form pertaining to Relocation of an item. However, in order to physically relocate the item to another department, please complete a Work Order form.
A list of items available for Department use on Campus is available through the Storeroom. There is no charge for these items. Please contact the Surplus Department at x5972 and arrange a time to view available surplus goods..
Surplus for Sale
The University of Mary Washington, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, offers surplus property for sale to other state agencies and local governments. Also search for surplus items.