UMW Citation Fines

Paying A UMW Citation Fine

Students wishing to pay tickets should make payment to their student account using the same process they normally would use to pay for charges on their account. EaglePay online accepts echecks and credit cards. The Cashiers office accepts cash, EagleOne, and checks.

For non-students who wish to pay online, you may make an invoice payment through Cashnet.

Cashnet will be down beginning at 5:00PM on July 27, 2024 and will reopen on July 1, 2024 at 12:00PM.

Payments of fines may also be made in person at the Cashier’s Office in Lee Hall or to the following address: University of Mary Washington, Cashier’s Office, Lee Hall, Room 2061301 College Avenue, Lee Hall, Fredericksburg, VA 22401.

Fine Schedule

FINE DUE DATES:   Citation issued to a student must be appealed online or citation fine must be paid within twenty (20) calendar days of the date the citation was issued.  Denied citations must be paid within ten (10) calendar days after date of denial.

PARKING CITATION AND FINE LIABILITY:   Ultimately, the registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for all citations and fines issued to said vehicle whether or not the owner was in fact the driver.  In addition to the registered owner of the vehicle, the holder of a University parking decal/pass may also be held financially responsible for citations and fines issued to the vehicle for which the decal/pass is registered.

Failure to Register:No current decal, no current decal on file. Plus cost of purchasing a decal. $100
Summer Failure to Register:No current decal, no current summer decal and no current decal on file. Plus the cost of purchasing a decal. $25
Improper Display of Decal:Non-compliance with display requirements of decal or pass. $25
Parking in a Fire Lane:No vehicle is permitted to park, stop or wait in a fire lane (outlined by yellow lines). Flashing emergency indicators on vehicle does not permit parking in a fire lane. $50
Parking in Accessible Zone:Parking in accessible space without display of a state issued accessible license plate or hang tag, or a UMW temporary accessible hang-tag. Risk possible towing at owner’s expense. $100
Parking Beyond Posted Time Limit:Parking in a reserved space beyond posted time limit. Plus possible towing at owner’s risk and expense. $25
Inclement Weather Parking Ban:Parking in violation of inclement weather parking ban. Plus cost of towing at owner’s risk and expense. $25
Not in Correct Decal Area:Parking in a zone for which decal/pass is not valid. Examples may include:Parking in 15 minute residence hall loading zones longer than 15 minutes.Parking over the lines, exceeding parameter of designated space, on grass. Parking on ‘wrong side’ of curb in opposition to the traffic flow.

Double parking or parking side by side in a vertical parking space.

Service vehicle space, low emissions space, reserved spaces, or general loading docks and zones.

City Enforcement Zones:Parking on city streets is enforced in accordance with city Municipal code. City rate