Guest Passes and Parking Lots


Temporary parking passes are available for guests of UMW students and employees visiting and parking overnight on the Fredericksburg campus.  Guests are required to have a temporary dash pass. These passes are issued to the guest’s sponsor, free of charge, and may be obtained from the Office of Parking Management in Lee Hall from 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday. When obtaining a temporary dash parking pass for a guest the student must be able to supply a license plate number. A valid state vehicle registration is appreciated, but not required.

Temporary dash parking passes are available after normal business hours through the Communication Center located at Brent from 5pm to 8am daily and from Friday 5pm until 8am Monday. Temporary dash passes issued by the Communication Center are only good until the next business day.

Sponsors are responsible for ensuring their guests park in accordance with the University’s parking regulations. Guests are authorized to park in the same decal-coded lots as their sponsor. In the case of Residence Life Staff members who are sponsoring overnight guests, they must also obtain a guest dash. Their guests will park in either yellow, black, or green lots based upon the location of the Residence Life staff member.


Guests of faculty/staff members, unless residing in University-provided lodging, generally will not be allowed to leave a vehicle on campus overnight. Special requests should be directed to the Parking Management Office, located in Lee Hall, call 540-654-1129, or email On a case-by-case basis these requests will be reviewed for exceptions.


It remains the UMW sponsor’s responsibility to obtain a guest dash pass and ensure that their guest parks in the correct designated lot. Guests of students park in the spaces available to their sponsors. Guests of students who do not drive, park in available residential lots.


Guests must display a temporary dash pass that may be obtained as detailed above or from the Eagle Landing Front Desk.