The University is required to follow certain rules and regulations based on what it purchases and the value of those purchases. Campus buyers are therefore responsible for procuring goods and services for their respective departments in accordance with all mandatory State and University procedures. These include the selection of appropriate vendors for all small purchases either through mandatory sources, the use of existing contracts, or by obtaining a quote or purchasing from appropriately certified businesses.
The following page is a guide to the University’s rules on vendor sourcing.
- Mandatory Source
- University Exclusive Contracts
- University Preferred Contracts
- Other Preferred Contracts
- Small Purchases
Mandatory Source
Virginia Correctional Enterprises (VCE): §53.1-47 Code of Virginia requires all furniture to be purchased from VCE. A written release or waiver must be obtained from VCE for all non-VCE furniture purchases prior to the purchase if (§53.1-48 Code of Virginia):
- The furniture VCE can provide does not meet the reasonable requirements of the department or institution;
- An identical piece of furniture can be obtained at a verified lesser cost from the private sector, which is evidenced by a verified request for pricing;
- Or the requisition cannot be fulfilled due to an insufficient supply of the furniture required.
VCE shall be afforded up to 48 hours to respond to a request for a release of furniture less than $200,000. Contact Procurement Services for assistance if a release has not been received within this time frame.
University Exclusive Contracts
- Food Services: The University’s contracted Food Services provider shall maintain exclusivity with the following exceptions:
- Food purchases valued at $100 or less
- Dahlgren Campus must use this contract for:
- non-UMW affiliated groups valued over $1,000
- UMW sponsored events valued at $500 or more per events
- Eagle Village complex merchants and UMW Foundation offices
- Designated campus events which are reviewed annually by Student Affairs
- Office Supply Contract: The University’s current contracted vendor for office supplies shall be used exclusively for the purchase of such products. Any questions regarding The Supply Room Company may be directed to
- Athletic Apparel: The University’s current contracted supplier for athletic apparel shall be used exclusively for the purchase of these goods.
- Bookstore and Retail Operations Services: Preferred University Partner for primary merchandise categories typically found in University bookstores, either in-store or online. Refer questions to Business Services.
University Preferred Contracts
When beneficial to the University, preferred term contracts will be established and shall be honored by all staff with purchasing authority for the University.
- Express Shipment/Mail/Copy and Print Services: The University’s current contracted vendor for express shipment, mail, copy and print services is preferred.
- Local Hotel Preferred Partner: The University’s contracted local hotel shall be the preferred hotel partner for the University’s use. You may refer to the Accounts Payable Direct Pay Request Table for instructions regarding the contracted local area lodging facility.
Other Preferred Contract Use
The following list includes the University’s preferred sources for contracts:
- Optional State Contracts: A listing of the optional Virginia state contracts is available on the Statewide Contracts section in eVA.
- UMW Term Contracts: The University of Mary Washington has contracts for many goods and services for use by the campus as a whole. Generally, contracts are set up for several years, with options to extend for additional time periods. Contracts contain terms and conditions – such as warranties and insurance – that protect the University.
- The Procurement Services Office is the central University contracting office, under the direction of the Director of Procurement Services. All awarded solicitations valued over $50,000 are available on the eVA VBO. You can access a summary listing of awarded UMW contracts on the UMW Contract Portal.
- If you have any questions about contracts please contact one of the buyers listed in the procurement section of our staff directory.
- VASCUPP Contracts: In some cases, UMW may access contracts that have been established by other Higher Education Institutions. The complete listing of these contracts is available on the VASCUPP Contracts page. Where possible, the use of VASCUPP contracts is preferred.
- Other Cooperative Contracts: Cooperative contracts issued by other public or private organizations or entities, including other educational institutions, public-private partnerships, public bodies, charitable organizations, health care provider alliances and purchasing organizations are allowed only when those contracts are procured competitively (for procurements over $200,000) with comparable processes to the University, and terms and conditions are approved by Procurement Services prior to adoption of the contract. Examples of such cooperative sources includes E&I and Omnia Partners (previously known as U.S. Communities). Where applicable, the use of cooperative contracts is preferred.
Small Purchases
The University is permitted by the Governing Rules to establish its own procedures for small purchases not exceeding, in total, $200,000. The University has adopted the following Small Purchase Procedures.
For a quick guide on guidelines for purchases goods and non-professional services valued at $10,000 or less, visit the Certified Business Quote Requirements page.