eVA Registration

Posted December 6, 2022; Revised September 14, 2023

Open Letter to UMW’s Valued Supplier Community

[Downloadable PDF version of the following letter]

Dear Business Owner,

As an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, University of Mary Washington utilizes a web-based, electronic marketplace (e-procurement system) called “eVA” or “e-Virginia”. This system provides a forum to bring sellers (your business included) and buyers (state and other government entities) together for procurement-related purposes.

Similar to other Virginia state agencies, the University of Mary Washington is required by Virginia Code to use the eVA system for posting solicitations (i.e., RFPs and IFBs), and for purposes of spend transparency to the public, which includes your business. UMW needs to create purchase orders to eVA-registered suppliers, and the University encourages you to register your business in the eVA system. However, your business MUST be eVA self-registered in order for UMW to process a check or EDI payment. You will be required to upload a COVA (substitute) W-9 into your eVA account.

There is no cost to suppliers to register with eVA, but, yes, eVA is a self-funded system requiring capital to sustain its operation; and it does not receive funding except through its Fee Schedule. Fees are ONLY assessed via actual eVA-entered purchase orders on a transactional basis. UMW also pays eVA fees for use of the system assessed from every purchase order it enters.

NOTE: A Virginia entity may have state-registered your business in eVA. You will need to convert your registration from state-entered to self-registered. Reference form #16.

Once your business is registered with eVA, UMW and other government entity buyers across the Commonwealth will be able to select your business for order placement and your business will begin to receive notifications regarding solicitations for goods and services that you have registered to sell.

If you choose to not register your business within the eVA system, you may find that your sales to UMW will decrease as campus departments with buying responsibility source goods and services from eVA-registered businesses.

If you are a woman-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, small or micro-small business supplier, you must also register with the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity. For additional assistance with your business, UMW’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a valuable resource that is available at low and often no cost to you. SWaM-certified businesses incur less fees from eVA transactions.

UMW greatly appreciates your interest and we look forward to doing business with you through the eVA system. If you have questions, please contact either eVA or UMW Procurement Services.

Melva A. H. Kishpaugh, Director, Procurement Services