How to Determine 5% for EO35

You got your quote from a DSBSD Certified-Micro business and you have a price from a non-certified vendor. Now what? Having trouble figuring out who to purchase from?


If the Micro quote meets your specifications and is within 5% of the total cost (including shipping) of a non-certified vendor quote, you MUST buy from the Micro vendor.

So what’s 5%?

Manual Calculation

You can calculate it manually by using the following formula:

(Non-Certified Vendor Cost * .05) + Non-Certified Vendor Cost

Ex: A non-certified vendor’s total cost for your purchase is $57. The Certified-Micro vendor’s total cost for your purchase is $62. According to the formula above, input the numbers on a calculator: (57 * .05) + 57 = 59.85

$62 is MORE than $59.85, meaning the Micro business quote is more than 5% of the cost of a non-certified business, therefore you can purchase from the non-certified business.

Tip: You must multiply the numbers in the parenthesis before you add the last number.


Website Resource:

You can use this website to do the calculation for you. Type in 5% into the first box and the non-certified vendor cost in the second box.

Using the example above, the calculated result is:

You would then add $2.85 to $57 ($59.85) and determine if the certified-micro quote is less than or more than that calculated amount. Since $62 is more than $59.85, it is more than 5% of the non-certified business quote, therefore you can purchase from the non-certified vendor.

Use this Form Calculator:

5% Calculation

  • If the Certified-Micro Vendor quote total is more than this calculation, you may purchase from the non-certified vendor.