SPCC & Gold Card Profile Change Request

SPCC spend profile limits and restrictions are set up and managed by the University’s SPCC Program Administrator based on your buying needs as indicated by historical department spend. Any changes to these set profiles must be performed by the Program Administrator or Backup Program Administrator. DOA approval may be needed in some situations.

Gold Card spend profile limits and restrictions are created and managed by DOA. Any requests to change, temporarily or permanently, the spend limits or restrictions on a Gold Card, must be submitted by the Program Admins to DOA for approval and to complete the request. Due to the request to DOA required, this could take up to 3 days to complete.

Please fill out the form below to request either a spending limit increase or restriction lift from your SPCC or Gold Card. Once the change has been completed, the Program Administrators will send you an email confirming the change with any effective dates.