UMW Suppliers

Greetings, Supplier Community…

The University of Mary Washington highly values the supplier community and appreciates the quality goods and outstanding services and support that they are able to provide to the University. Our goal is to treat all suppliers fairly and with respect.

The University, as an Agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and its employees are subject to the Virginia Comprehensive Conflict of Interests Act as well as the Governing Rules. The University is a member of the National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP) and endorses and supports its Code of Ethics. One provision of the Code, reads, “decline personal gifts and gratuities.” In keeping with that Code and the Laws of the Commonwealth, and in the spirit of a professional public entity, the employees of the University do not accept gifts of any kind from vendors.

UMW greatly appreciates the support of this University policy by the supplier community.

Procurement Services looks forward to working with you!

Please visit the Supplier Resource page for additional information.