SPCC Works Reports

As a follow-up to information provided at the April B.U.G. meeting, examples from WORKS Dashboard are provided below.

SPCC Cardholders can access spend charts by vendor, category and org –

Examples follow (although the quality of these images is poor, it provides a preview of what is available through WORKS with improved clarity)

works 1 works 2

works 3

Custom reports can be run, based on date range and/or a  specific vendor, and are exportable to Excel.  You can select date range, Merchant Class Code (MCC) and Vendor name.

works 4

If you need help using or understanding Dashboard reporting abilities, please contact Monique SanPietro, your Program Administrator for the SPCC, or Melva Kishpaugh.  There are also user guides available in Works at the bottom of the screen.