STUDENT/GUEST – How do I process a Travel Pre-Approval or reimbursement request for a student or guest?

Only employees (not student employees) can access Chrome River. Therefore, an employee will have to enter a Travel Pre-Approval or Expense reimbursement request for any student or guest. The employee entering for the student or guest will select the appropriate Traveler/Payee Type (“Student” or “Guest”) on the Report Header in Chrome River and will then enter Pre-Approval or Reimbursement information just as you would for an employee. IN THE REPORT NAME, MAKE SURE TO USE “GUEST” OR “STUDENT” AND THEN THE GUEST OR STUDENT NAME. For example, if you have a job candidate, enter “Guest John Smith Chem job candidate.” The instructions within the tutorial videos apply to all (employee/student/guest) and Chrome River is programmed to populate regulation compliance warnings based upon the Traveler/Payee Type selected.

  • On Pre-Approval reports, IF the student or guest name does NOT appear, type “Person Not Found” and select it to submit the report (so you can enter the Pre-Approval even when the student or guest is NOT in Chrome River). Example: During a faculty search, a candidate dropped out and another last-minute candidate is asked to interview. The pre-approval needs to be completed quickly in order to purchase airfare or shuttle. Select “Person Not Found” so the Pre-Approval can be submitted.
  • On Reimbursement Expense Reports, the Non-Employee field is required (so the student or guest must be in Chrome River IF the student or guest is being reimbursed). AND NOTE that IF “Multiple” was used as the Traveler/Payee Type, this field will need to be changed to “Student” or “Guest” (so the employee will not be reimbursed).

The student or guest needs to be in Chrome River ONLY IF the guest or student is going to be reimbursed by UMW. If the student or guest need to be reimbursed AND the student or guest is NOT in Chrome River, complete the Questionnaire at this site. In addition, if traveling with students, see this Travel with Students site for a payment option which may help eliminate the need for the reimbursement process.

To see if a student or guest is in Chrome River (needed ONLY IF REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE INVOLVED):

      • Go to CREATE (either Pre-Approval OR Expense)
      • Scroll down to select Guest or Student
      • When the Non-Employee field pops up, enter the person’s name
        • If the name appears, then the person is in the system
        • If the name does NOT appear, the person is NOT in the system–and IF the person is going to be reimbursed, someone needs to complete the Questionnaire (link above)

Watch this 13 minute video for instructions to determine if the student or guest is in Chrome River. (The password for videos is found on the Chrome River homepage, and the link to the homepage is highlighted near the top of this page.)

All active employees in Banner get selected by a Chrome River process that automatically populates those employees into Chrome River each night. In addition, as part of this same process, non-employee individuals are also populated in Chrome River based upon a special vendor type that is entered in Banner by Accounts Payable. If the guest or student is NOT in Chrome River AND WILL NEED TO BE REIMBURSED FOR ANYTHING, the Questionnaire needs to be completed to prompt Accounts Payable to:

    • UPDATE the vendor type for the Chrome River selection process OR
    • Enter the individual in Banner using the correct vendor type for Chrome River selection

How long does it take to get the student or guest into Chrome River?

The guest/student “entry” in Chrome River is part of an automated process that runs nightly on an export from Banner as follows:

  • Accounts Payable (AP) receives a completed QUESTIONNAIRE.
  • AP enters the individual into Banner based upon the information provided from the Questionnaire, and AP includes appropriate coding in order to get that record selected on the automatic nightly run to export that record into Chrome River.
  • AP will email the UMW contact the Banner ID and other information to let the UMW contact know when the student or guest will be in Chrome River.
  • On an automatic nightly run, records in Banner that have specific coding get selected for the export from Banner for import into Chrome River.
  • At that point, the guest/student will show in Chrome River in the non-employee field.

This process can happen within two business days but is not guaranteed.