Independent Contractor

emporicThe Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ) is an on line form within SharePoint.  The form is completed prior to enlisting the the services of an individual. The form will automatically alert HR (or Designee in Finance); who will review the form to determine if the individual you wish to hire should be compensated as an independent contractor or employee.  You will be notified of the decision.

Before completing the IC Questionnaire form, please do the following:

1. Review the Predetermined IC Services List.

Certain working relationships with individuals have predetermined independent contractor statuses and do not require further review. If your contractor service type is listed, you may proceed with procurement processing. Write the Independent Contractor number (ICQ 001) within the Comments section of the eVA order, on all contracts and invoices prior to sending to Accounts Payable.

2. Review the ICQ Guide.  

The Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ) Guide provides instruction, navigation and helpful hints for completing the ICQ. This guide also provides a copy of the questionnaire for review prior to completing the online form in SharePoint. You may find it helpful to print the ICQ template and use as a guide when obtaining information from the person you would like to hire.


The person entering the request owns the request and may edit the form as necessary. The form is not to be edited or shared with others outside the owner’s immediate department.

Service dates may not extend 12 months per request. The form may be edited for two additional twelve month periods before requiring a new entry and approval.
Once the request is approved, write the ICQ number on each invoice sent to Accounts Payable (AP). AP will compare the ICQ number and the service dates and pay accordingly.

3.  Login to SharePoint and Complete the ICQ Form.

The ICQ form must be completed in full in order to be saved and reviewed for classification.  The list may require permissions – please request or contact for assistance.

4. Employment or IC status is normally determined within a 3 day period.

On occasion, Finance or HR may find it necessary to request additional information from you, but most determinations will occur within a 3 day window. Once status is confirmed, continue with standard procurement or hiring practices. Write the ICQ number within the Comments section of the eVA order, within Work for credit card purchases, and on contracts and invoices prior to sending to Accounts Payable. The ICQ number is found on the first column within the IC SharePoint list and within the General Information section of the form.

5. Requestor Option on ICQ Form Editing

The individual who submits the Independent Contractor Questionnaire for review is the ICQ form Requestor and is the primary point of contact for questions regarding the individual or nature of the relationship between the individual and UMW. Requestors may edit the form content to add comments or extend service dates. Service dates may span a 12 month time period or range according to contractual terms.  The additional time will be reviewed by Finance/HR who will contact the Requestor if needed.

6. Ensure your IC is established in Banner if paying by check.
Review the Cardinal Verified Vendor Report.
If your vendor is not listed, complete the Questionnaire for AP outreach.

What is an Independent Contractor?

Independent contractors, as defined by the IRS, are people who offer their services to the general public.
Independent contractors typically:

  • earn a profit or suffer a loss from the activity
  • provide their own necessary tools and materials
  • are paid by the jobmasonry
  • may work more than one organization at a time
  • personally invest in their own equipment and facilities
  • are not reimbursed for business and travel expenses
  • hire and pay for their own assistants
  • set their own working hours

General aspects of the employment arrangement also include financial control, behavioral control and relationship between parties.   IC arrangements are typical in the predetermined list which follows. Individuals providing services as those listed do not require submission of the online SharePoint form.

Predetermined Independent Contractor Services List

Use ICQ number 001 within the Comments section of eVA orders or within Works, on contracts and on invoices prior to sending to Accounts Payable.  ICQ 001 has been pre-filled on the FAAINVE for Honoraria.

  • Honorariafootball_referee
  • Temporary employees (Temp Employment Contract)
  • First Responders
  • Athletic Officials
  • Contest Judges (writing, reading…)
  • Course Accreditation
  • Language Interpreters and Translators
  • Guest Speakers
  • Performers/Artists/Entertainment or Talent (public event, theater or musical production) Performers Contract or Contractors Form Addendum Required
  • Translators: Deaf and Foreign Language
  • Disc Jockey
  • Writer
  • Musical Instrument Tuner/Repair

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