Hiring managers at the University of Mary Washington are committed to and responsible for the recruitment, retention, and development of an excellent, diverse, and productive staff. These procedures are intended to provide a recruitment process that supports careful planning, describes our practices, and enhances our on-going efforts to conduct full and fair searches.
The steps to filling a position can vary, depending on the type of position you are filling. You may choose the position type you are working with from the menu on the left to continue going through the steps of the process.
Each process can be broken down into a series of stages, with responsibility falling between the Office of Human Resources and the Hiring Official. These steps are outlined on here and in the related position manuals located on this site.
Overall, you can expect the process of bringing a new employee into your organization to take from 4 – 8 weeks. This time frame takes into account the amount of time that it takes for the hiring manager to enter the position into careers, for HR to classify the position and to get the necessary approvals, to advertise the position, to conduct interviews, and to process the requisite documentation. Of course, this process can be streamlined and the timeframe shortened if documentation is processed quickly and deadlines are met in an expeditious manner.
More information on the topics and steps for each type of search can be found in the Staff/AP Hiring Procedures Manual or the Teaching Faculty Hiring Procedures Manual.