New employees in their first year of service are considered probationary employees. These employees must be evaluated at six months, as well as three weeks prior to completion of the probationary period (one year). Informal interim evaluations at 3 and 9 months are recommended but not required. The evaluation process for Probationary employees will be moved to Careers in the near future. Until that time, Supervisors must use the Probationary Progress Review form to evaluate employees’ progress. This form must be signed and turned into Human Resources.
If probationary period ends in September or October, you may use either the Performance Evaluation form or Probationary Progress Form.
With HR approval, the one year probation period can be extended to eighteen months if a longer trial period is determined to be necessary for performance reasons or because the employee was out on extended leave. HR will work with the supervisor to notify the employee. This notice should be given 2 weeks BEFORE the last day of the probationary period (preferably three weeks before) and must be approved by Human Resources.