Exhibit #6: Search Committee Chair Duties
There is a list of the chair’s typical expected duties:
- Serve as the liaison among the appointing authority, HR department, and any other ex-officio members of the search committee.
- Convene the search committee and ensure that each committee member has completed search committee training/ orientation.
- Coordinate the efforts of all committee members.
- Perform all duties of a regular committee member.
- Establish ground rules for the committee.
- Ensure that the intent of the charge is carried out.
- Assign duties to committee members, such as note taker, host, diversity advocate, etc.
- Coordinate administrative and logistical support of the search process.
- Help to recruit, identify, and contact potential applicants, to include diverse candidates.
- Work with the search committee to develop a screening evaluation tool according to job-related criteria (i.e., position description, advertisement, charge, and organizational analysis), and without regard to stereotypes or presumptions regarding ability or disability.
- Review all applicant materials.
- Coordinate with other constituent groups to ensure their involvement, as appropriate, in the interview or selection process.
- Serve as lead host for candidates on campus.
- Identify internal candidates and serve as a liaison to them.
- Correspond with semifinalists/finalists.
- With the assistance of an ex officio member/staff assistant, arrange travel and accommodations for the interviews and schedule interviews.
- Ensure that proper records and minutes are kept of the selection process.
- Review late applications and bring them to the committee if they meet certain standards.
- Check references, when appropriate.
- Maintain the confidentiality of applicants, search proceedings, and committee deliberations.
- Treat all candidates fairly and equitably throughout the entire recruiting and hiring process.
- Advice the appointing authority of the person (s) the search committee recommends for the position.
- Perform other duties as requested by the appointing authority.