Careers has been upgraded from PeopleAdmin’s version 5.8 to PeopleAdmin’s version 7. There are significant differences in the products.
For Applicant Tracking: | |||
Function | New Function | New Process | What Does this Mean for YOU? |
ADA Compatible User and Applicant Portal | ü | Meets ADA Compliance; is a much easier user interface. | |
Emails | ü | Select applicants to email and select from emails templates to send. You do not have to have a status change or system event to send an email to applicants. | |
Reporting | ü | Export reports to Excel. | |
Advanced Applicant Review Tools | ü | Narrow answers to supplemental questions and search applicants more effectively with keyword searching. | |
Application Materials on Hiring Proposals | ü | Materials are available as an attachment to the applicant’s hiring proposal. | |
Bookmarking | ü | Applicants can bookmark a posting to apply to at some other time, without requiring a future search. | |
Create from Previous Posting | ü | When creating from a previous posting, the previous posting’s internal documents now copy to the new posting. | |
Email a Friend | ü | Applicants can share postings with friends who might be interested. | |
Full Data Change Auditing in History | ü | Can now log what data changed, when, and by whom. | |
Full Text Searching | ü | Keyword Searches work across all text fields and attached documents on applicants. | |
Inbox and Watch List | ü | Now have an easy place to see active items assigned to you and items you have decided to follow (watch). | |
Mass Edit of Postings | ü | HR users can now bulk edit postings to update data across multiple postings. | |
Position Types/Employment Groups | ü | Position types may have multiple processes and forms in the system. | |
Posting Settings Page | ü | This prevents you from losing a posting. You will need to fill in identifying information about a posting before it is created. | |
Function | New Function | New Process | What Does this Mean for YOU? |
Ranking Criteria – General | ü | Committees can rank applicants based on items that they have defined. Internal users can rank the applicants and a score is given to allow for better review and handling of applicants. | |
Role Identification | ü | You can now easily see which role you are logged in as, and have the capability to easily toggle between different role-based views. This also makes it easier to keep track of which role is required to take action at each step in the process. | |
RSS Feeds | ü | All applicant portals come with RSS feeds built in. | |
Saved Searches | ü | Can modify and save your own searches as a user. | |
Scoped User Management | ü | Can have user management spread out over the campus instead of just in central HR or a central organization. | |
Search Committee Members | ü | Customers have the ability to define per posting search committee members to rank applicants or review applications per posting. | |
Self Service Features | ü | Can now perform some of the configurations yourself. | |
Site Announcements | ü | Can communicate with other users in the system with messages for both applicants and internal users. | |
Supplemental Question Bank with Self Service | ü | Managers can now manage their own supplemental questions without having to rely on PA to update and/or change questions for them. | |
Application Workflow | ü | This is handled by a workflow. | |
User Account Self Service | ü | Users can now make changes to their own account rather than needing to rely on HR or other users to update this for them. | |
View All Application Materials in one PDF | ü | Can combine documents with application information the applicant supplied into one PDF across multiple applications. | |
System-Wide: | |||
Action Required Recipients | ü | In PA7, action-required messages are handled through group member prompting, allowing you to send a task for a given state to a selected user group. This ensures a state of role ownership for the task being sent, rather than having an open-ended recipient field as in 5.8. This group member prompt is currently functioning for postings and will be added for applicant states in a future release. For the applicant side, there might be a need to send to an individual rather than an entire group. | |
Login Portal and General Navigation | ü | The page layout is different in the new system but accomplishes the same business requirements. For instance, action links are listed along the top rather than side of page. | |
Reporting | ü | Reporting has changed significantly between 5.8 and 7, with an increase in real-time reporting in the new version. Rather than having only an Access database option as in 5.8, we now have 3 levels of reporting capability: saved searches, Tableau, and a MySQL database. Saved searches are the simplest form of reporting, allowing you to select columns within a function, shuffle columns, sort, and then save for future viewing. Tableau presents the next level of capability. This analytics engine has both pre-built reports and the capability to choose fields across functions to create custom reports. If you identify an additional report/field that should exist in Tableau, please let us know. The MySQL approach is the most sophisticated and is similar to the Access database approach in 5.8, allowing you to view a copy of the database (but not write directly to the database), but requires familiarity with SQL | |
Searches | ü | Can now search by date or date range in PA7 |