Organizational Analysis

Before commencing any search, answering the following questions will ensure that the search is grounded in the right ideas. It is prudent to consider departmental, institutional, and environmental factors that affect the new position and the team the new hire will join. The process of answering these questions will either prevent a fruitless search or ensure that the search you undertake is grounded in the right considerations.

  • Did organizational issues prompt the vacancy (e.g., change of leadership, change of work requirements, frequent turnover, downsizing, etc.)?
  • What would happen if this position were not filled / refilled?
  • Could this be a half-time, part-time, seasonal, academic year, or temporary position?
  • Is it the right time of year to search for this particular kind of position?
  • Can some or all of the work be automated, outsourced, or distributed among others?
  • Should an interim or acting appointment be made before a regular search?
  • What changes have occurred with this position over time, such as new or different duties and greater responsibility?
  • Are the title, classification, and compensation still accurate for this position?
  • What has changed in the department/college/ university?
  • What has changed in the general workplace or in society that influences how this position works (e.g., changes in technology, computer and security requirements, labor shortage in this disciplined/ field, changes in legal requirements, etc.)?
  • What institutional initiatives, goals, or strategic aims are affected by or could be affected by this position?
  • Are there diversity considerations for this position (e.g., no men on staff, generational factors, etc.)?
  • What unique characteristics did the incumbent have that are likely not to be replaced?
  • Are there internal candidates who can be promoted or trained for this opportunity without a regular search?
  • Have all appropriate stakeholders had a voice in the position analysis?
  • Should we consider waiting six months before filling the position t review and analyze whether the work can be eliminated, reshaped, absorbed, or reorganized?
  • Is there a sufficient budget to conduct a successful search (e.g., advertising, recruiting, travel budgets, etc.)?
  • Should the supervisor spam be reward for greater efficiency?


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