Posting a Staff or A/P Position








Forms that lead to the creation of a posting have multiple sections and fields. Fields with a red asterisk must be completed before moving on to the next page. There are some fields that you may not be able to fill in; they will be grayed out.

These fields are filled in by others during the approval process.

Once a position goes through the approval process (see below pages), and is approved by all parties, the Recruitment Manager posts and advertises the position.

  • Log in to Careers:      See directions on p. xx
  • Module:                      Applicant Tracking
  • Role:                                     Hiring Manager
  • Tab:                                      Postings
  • Position Type:          Appropriate
Select the Applicant Tracking module. Choose the Hiring Manager role.
There are two ways to create a job posting – using the Navigation bar at the top or the Shortcut on the left side.
Hover over the Postings tab. Select Staff and A/P Faculty Professional.
You may also go to the Shortcuts box listed on the right of the Home screen.
Click on the Create New Posting button.
You may create a Posting from either an existing posting or from a Position Description. Select the item (Posting, Position Description) that you would like to use to create this posting. Most often, you will select Create from Position Description.