WOW Card Recognition Criteria by Cabinet Area
The University WOW card program allows supervisors to reward UMW employees with green WOW cards worth $35 and/or yellow WOW cards awarding time off. Each cabinet has specific recognition criteria in order to promote the same values through the distribution of WOW cards to employees. The recognized employee may have excelled in one or all of the following criteria:
Division Guidelines |
President’s Office and University Events and Conferencing:
Manner of Presentation: One-on-one or at staff meetings as appropriate and timely. Communication of Guidelines: At weekly staff meeting. |
Student Affairs:
Manner of Presentation: Awards will be recognized at the discretion of the Director of the particular Student Affairs unit. Communication of Guidelines: Divisional guidelines will be circulated by email and announcements to all staff in a divisional meeting. |
Provost and Chief Academic Officer:
Manner of Presentation:
Communication of Guidelines: Employees will be given a copy of the WOW card policy and criteria. |
Advancement and University Relations:
Manner of Presentation: Monthly Division Meetings Communication of Guidelines: Guidelines will be reviewed by key supervisors, and shared with all staff at September division meeting. |
Administration and Finance:Administration and Finance, Budget, Business Services, Emergency Management and Safety, Finance and Human Resources:
Information Technologies:
Manner of Presentation:
Communication of Guidelines: Employees will be given a copy of the criteria on this page. |
Enrollment Management:
Manner of Presentation: One-on-one or at staff meetings as appropriate and timely. Communication of Guidelines: Guidelines will be reviewed by supervisors, and shared with all staff. |