Select Create from Position Description. |
Find the Position Description that you would like to use as the basis for the posting. |
Click the Actions drop down menu. Select View or Create From. If you View the form, you must click Create Posting from this Position Description. If you select Create From, you should review the information, and then click Create New Posting. |
Verify the Organizational Unit. |
You will not be able to make any changes to the Applicant Workflow. |
If you want the system to help you manage references, put a in the box next to Accept references. |
When you make your choices, click Create New Posting. |
Save the form by clicking the Save button. Click the Next button to move to the next form. |
Move through the posting form, making sure that all information is accurate and complete, by clicking the Next button on each form, or by navigating with the Edit Posting items on the left. Items that are complete have a . Forms that must be completed are: