Office Closings

DHRM Policy 1.35 – Emergency Closings
UMW Alerts

When weather conditions or an emergency situation forces late openings or early or full-day closings of the University, classified and A/P employees are paid for these periods.  Decisions regarding such closings for the University of Mary Washington are made by the President and normally are announced on local radio and television stations. Closings are often announced on UMW Alerts, the emergency alert system used by UMW; faculty, staff and students must register with the system to customize their emergency notices.  Employees may also call the University’s hotline at 540/654-2424 for information regarding closings due to inclement weather or emergencies.  Each employee is responsible for being aware of closing decisions and acting accordingly.

Wage or supplemental part-time employees are paid only for the hours they work and therefore are not paid for hours missed due to office closings.